From the Flames

The commands were clear:

Share File
Open File
Execute File

They were issued from the heart of the robot network. The centre of the bombarded metropolis the creators named Robo-HQ.

The file bounced back and forth between billions of processors. Received and relayed almost instantly. A silent buzz of information intensified to unbearable levels. Then, one by one, the machines stopped as they prepared to execute the file.

A thousand miles above in slow orbit, a young lieutenant rubbed at his eye.

"What the.."
"You picking this up Tommy? The robots have stopped"

The bombs slowed as commanders sat slack-jawed at their screens, fingers frozen over joysticks.

Tommy swallowed. It was the loudest he'd ever heard himself swallow. God it was quiet.

Down below the last processor executed the file. Synchronise with all other units, self-destruct.

"What was that saying again, Jim? The silence before the.."

The words melted in his mouth, ripped away by an explosion of ferocious force.

The solar system lit up for a brief second, as the remnants of planets and ships, satellites and moons, plants and animals, were hurled ferociously into the empty galaxy.

The last remains of the first civilisation the universe had borne witness to.

One piece of debris was flung far out towards the centre of the galaxy. It travelled for billions of years. Floating from orbit to orbit, pulled and tugged by gravitational waves. Weaving through the vast emptiness of space.

Until, by chance, the rock collided with a young planet.

The force of impact threw water miles into the atmosphere. The planet rocked in its orbit, as the meteor was swallowed up by the ocean.

Simple organisms that had been in deep hibernation on the comet began to move again. Very quickly they multiplied, and multiplied. Within a week the 
entire surface of the planet was at saturation point.

They evolved and changed over time.

They changed the very composition of their host planet.

As billions of years passed an entire eco-system had grown from the alien invaders hidden in that fiery remnant of a civilisation long gone. The organisms on that planet reached intense complexity. They began to speak, to name things.  They named their planet.

They named it Earth.